I Dropped The Ball

I Dropped The Ball

I dropped the ball. These were the words I had to say to my team a few weeks ago and I wanted to share the story (and lessons learned) with all of you. I say I dropped the ball, but honestly, I’m not sure I ever even had a grasp on it.  You see, I was planning an...
What and Why and Black Widow Spiders?!

What and Why and Black Widow Spiders?!

The planning process. As a business owner, you know how important it is to set short- and long-term goals and determine how to actually reach those goals with confidence.  Part of that planning comes down to WHAT are your main personal and business goals and WHY?...
Business Planning – 5 Tips to Get It Done

Business Planning – 5 Tips to Get It Done

Business planning for the upcoming year is no small task. It takes some dedicated time and focus to get it out of your head and detailed out.  Many of us have been guilty in the past of thinking that since we have the plan stored away in the cavernous recesses of our...