Countdown Party

New Year’s Day 2016

While another New Year’s Day and it’s requisite celebrations have come and gone along with the gratuitous resolutions that may or may not last, I was celebrating a different momentous event, the beginning of my third year in business. It comes to mind each year but this year is different. How? It’s different because after all the hard work for the last two years, everything’s coming together. Talk about “Wow!” moments!

Red Light/Green Light

My awareness of this everything-aligned, ducks-in-a-row, put-my-big-girl-pants-on, “Wow!” moment first came to me in December while I was sitting at a red light, thinking about my clients’ businesses and our plans for 2016.

December is a big planning month and we’d spend literally hours putting together financial goals and program/product goals and marketing goals and the like.

Somehow, the process of planning allows you to stand back and look at your business from a different perspective than what the day-to-day, roll-your-sleeves-up, working-in-your-business perspective offers a small business owner.

Thinking about their business plans brought to mind my own business.

Through the Looking Glass

So, while I was sitting at that light, my thoughts drifted to my business, and I began to take that outside-looking-in view.

I thought about the single-parent mom who was offered an opportunity to learn the online business model who decided to take a chance and go for it.

I thought about the experience of what it is like to bootstrap business growth.

I thought about the growing pains I had to endure and how refreshing it feels to come out on the other side having learned something new.

I thought about the amazing, accomplished women, clients, and colleagues whom I have the privilege of knowing, who have been right there with me every step of the way giving me support, encouragement, and opportunities to serve them.

I thought about the online community that enjoys reading some of the content I post that can help them in their businesses.

I thought about my family and how they act like it’s just another day, mom working for herself.

I thought about finally having an official logo and a new website that is soon to follow.

And my loyal companion, Bear, who sits with me while I work.

And finally, my own plans for a thrilling year ahead.

(Of course, some of these thoughts continued after the light turned green but you get the idea.)

Gratitude Abounds

So, I just want to take this moment to say, “Thank you so much!” to everyone who has been a part of this wild and exciting journey called entrepreneurship. You know who you are 😉 I value you greatly.

Best to all for 2016!