As a business owner, scaling operations is a critical step in growing and expanding your company. When you scale up your operations, you are essentially preparing your business to handle a larger volume of work, increased sales, and new market opportunities more efficiently. 

This new wonderful workload comes with an interesting problem: you essentially need to clone yourself. How can you realistically get it all done? 

Since duplicating yourself just isn’t an option in today’s day and age, as you scale, consider seeking help from a qualified online business manager, virtual assistant, or operations manager that can take over many of your responsibilities. 

Recognize the Problem

You may often find yourself overwhelmed with the numerous responsibilities tied to running a business. It’s important to recognize the problem. These feelings can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • Feeling pressure due to working excessive hours
  • Missing out on time with family or other personal activities
  • Struggling to balance client servicing and business growth

When you acknowledge the need for assistance while scaling, it’s a sign that it’s time to consider hiring outside help. You might feel that you need someone with the same capabilities and skills to support your workload.

Pinpoint What to Outsource

As you are scaling your operations, identifying the tasks to outsource is a crucial step. After all, efficiently delegating responsibilities can greatly impact your business growth.

Often, business owners first outsource marketing and administrative tasks. Understandably, you’re busy, and these tasks might not be getting done consistently. To ensure you focus on your core business, consider outsourcing specialized duties like copywriting, website development, or technical assistance for setting up Google Analytics or Pinterest pixels.

You might need a right-hand person to play a more significant role in the business, allowing you to focus on business development, freedom, and time for yourself.

Here are a few key areas that could be outsourced efficiently:

  1. Marketing and advertising
  2. Administrative support
  3. Technical tasks (website development, analytics, etc.)
  4. Project management
  5. Strategic planning and execution

Hiring Your OBM or VA

Hiring an Online Business Manager (OBM) or a virtual assistant (VA) can be crucial for growth. To start the hiring process, look for a talented individual with your skill level.

Before making a decision, take time to consider crucial factors such as their experience, availability, and skills. It is important to find an individual that matches the needs of your business and has experience in your industry. Make a list of must-have qualifications and desirable traits to make the hiring process smoother.

Remember, hiring should be focused on where your business is heading.

Onboarding Your OBM or VA

When you first bring on a new hire, setting up a successful onboarding process is crucial for fostering a strong and long-lasting collaboration. Consider the following best practices to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Clarify Expectations: Clearly communicate your business needs, goals, and the specific tasks you expect them to handle. 
  • Provide Access to Key Resources: Equip your new hire with the necessary tools, resources, and logins required to effectively perform their duties. 
  • Set Up Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, address any concerns, and identify opportunities for improvement. 

Handing Over Responsibilities

As you scale your operations, it’s vital to hand over responsibilities effectively. This process can be both exciting and challenging, but with the right approach, you can achieve a smooth transition. 

Start by identifying the responsibilities that you want your new hires to take on. Break these tasks down into manageable steps. This will allow them to gradually assume responsibility while maintaining the quality and efficiency of the work.

Once you have identified the tasks, it’s time to create a handover plan. This plan should include:

  • Clear roles and responsibilities 
  • Expected timeframes for each task
  • Training materials and resources needed for knowledge transfer
  • Communication and collaboration channels between you and the new hire

Next, invest in proper training and support, if necessary. Walk your new hire through the tasks you are handing over, giving them the confidence to take on their new responsibilities. Allow them the opportunity to shadow and learn from your expertise, while also being a mentor who is available to answer their questions and address their concerns.

Be sure to provide ongoing support and encouragement

With these strategies in place, you’ll eventually find yourself with more time to focus on growing your business, taking a vacation without constantly working, and spending quality time with your family. 


In your journey to lighten your workload while scaling operations, it is vital to keep some key principles in mind. Visualize the future of your business to determine the ultimate goal of your scaling efforts and what tasks could be shared. Consider hiring an individual that is qualified to take over many of your responsibilities. These guidelines will help you navigate the complexities of healthy expansion while ensuring long-term success.