Is your marketing stack built to support for business growth? How do you know? What factors determine if it is or if it is not?

Recently, I was helping a business cohort determine if her current business systems were right for her business. My recommendations hinged on a several factors but there was one most important factor that my options for her were built around… Her future business and revenue goals. 

This was so important that, as we were reviewing her information, that my business friend told me in our second meeting if I had not asked for her one-year and five-year business and revenue goals, that she would not have scheduled a second meeting. 

And to take it further she also said, “You would not believe how many B2B service providers do NOT ask me that information.” 

Mike drop…

Why would someone not ask that?

Most business owners, look at their business systems the end of the year or beginning of a new year. It’s a great time to reassess.

What is the most common criteria used to decide whether or not any changes in business systems are needed? 

Most business owners make the decision on the following three things: 

  • Cost, meaning if payments are monthly, is the time right to move to annual?
  • If it’s being used. Has business evolved making it obsolete? Was it a shiny object purchase?
  • Is there something better on the market that will save time or money? New apps come out all the time. 

These are all legitimate and necessary considerations, but what are other, more important criteria to examine that weigh on the decision?

Here are some that I use when making recommendation:

  • How many contacts will your CRM allow you before pricing skyrockets to a ridiculous amount? Compare estimated future or potential pricing according to how much you think your list will grow. Is it better to switch to a more cost-efficient CRM now or wait until you need to and pay someone to do the migration. Migrating from one platform to another is time-consuming, not inexpensive, and some platforms limit the data you can take with you. 
  • Who is using the app? Will you be the one doing the work, maybe now but not likely in the future. There may be a better app for you but if you have a hard time learning new systems, will you work  with an app that costs more money and is limited in functionality or will you hire someone to work with the better option that will support your company’s growth?
  • Will it save time and money to use an all-in-one app or build out a bunch different programs? To know this, consider all pricing options for all platforms plus functionality. 
  • Does every app integrate in your desired marketing stack or will a third party connect like Zapier be necessary to save time and money? 
  • Is your website built on WordPress or something else, like Wix or Squarespace? This matters because WordPress plugins allow a lot of customization and functionality. This saves money and prevents having to use so many apps to get things done. Other website platforms don’t provide that level of customization and must be addressed. 
  • Are all business systems as efficient as possible and could a change improve on that? Some marketing apps are clunky and inefficient. It may take more steps and time to do a task that would take less time with another app. Newsletters and automated campaigns are a few you can look at. 
  • Is there a membership site in your future? If you use WordPress and a top-of-the-line, all-in-one CRM, WordPress plugins are an ideal way to build a membership site. If not, you’ll need to look for other options that may be costly or may not talk to many or any or your other apps. 
  • What payment processor is currently being used, now much does it cost per transaction, and how much time does your invoicing system take with it?
  • Are you satisfied with your web hosting account? What is there process like if you want to move to another account or worse-case-scenario, you get hacked? Some providers make it difficult if you try to leave and may charge considerable fees if you get hacked. 
  • How are projects being managed? Having a project management system prevents balls from being dropped. There are some good ones out there with free options. 

The most important thing is to actually take the time to look at your marketing systems so they can save you the most time and money while supporting your business growth.

Schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment here