4 Reasons To Pivot In A Virtual Business

4 Reasons To Pivot In A Virtual Business

“Should I make a pivot in my virtual business?” Have you ever asked yourself that question? Have you ever asked your business coach or mentor that question? Maybe you have. Maybe you’ve thought about it in different terms like “proving your business model”, “testing...
Are You Being Nurtured?

Are You Being Nurtured?

I was in a meeting with a client recently, and as we were discussing the usual what’s going on in each other’s lives, where we are at with her business, what she wants to happen, and what I want her to do next, something came up that I really hadn’t thought about....
Increase Revenue – 5 Tips for the Small Biz Owner

Increase Revenue – 5 Tips for the Small Biz Owner

Increase Revenue As we prepare to close out the year, our minds focus on whether or not we’ve met out business goals for the year, one being sales goals + resulting profit. We make plans to implement what we need to in order to  increase revenue and finish as strong...