Let’s look at some overused words/phrases that might make you cringe.

Unique – not so unique when it’s used all the time

Authentic – just the overuse of it makes it kind of not authentic

No worries – but maybe there is some worry?

New normal – We are ALL over this one

Systems and processes – no one wants to hear about these, so let’s flip the language and instead talk doing a systems audit.

If you’re a business owner, you know you need systems. No need to tell you that. How I can help is showing you which ones are vital to have and how to do a systems audit for the most effective results. 

Save money, time, energy and get the ROI you desire.

Systems and processes have to grow and change as the business grows. You aren’t wearing the same pair of shoes you were as a child, just like the same systems you started with when your business was first born won’t fit forever. 

Let’s look at 10 types of systems and processes you need and how to do a quick audit of each one in our final blog post in our Business Planning Series.

  1. Project management system 

Asana, Slack, Wrike, maybe you have your own method with spreadsheets…

Is it working for you? Can you easily pull up all your current projects with deadlines? Do you know who on your team is responsible for each action? Do you have a client side of it so they know how work is flowing? If you can’t answer yes to any of the above, it might be time for a review. 

You can delegate someone on your team to set up a good system (or call us) and big note here: You don’t have to put everything in there. For instance, if you write a weekly newsletter and your process is streamlined, no need to create tasks and check off boxes. It just adds more emails and more notifications. Use your project management system for a client launch, a rebrand, follow-up, projects with lots of moving pieces. 

  1. A calendar 

Digital is a must, but you can absolutely still use a planner and write your schedule down. For ease of access to anyone scheduling with you, a link to your TimeTrade or Calendly is super beneficial. 

What system are you currently using? Do you have any issues with it? Does it integrate with other systems? If not, look for a better option. 

  1. CRM 

Managing clients and potential clients is important, especially in a growth phase when you are meeting new people from many different places and need to keep accurate notes. It’s also great for running reports, setting up automations, creating landing pages, etc. Do you have a CRM in place and are you using it? How could you use it more effectively? 

Ontraport, Less Annoying, Infusionsoft, Simplero –  the amount of software out there is vast. Look at what each one allows you to do and make sure the one you are currently using (and paying for) is the right one to align with your goals. 

  1. Invoicing system 

QuickBooks is our go to here at Done4U™, but again, you need to use what works best for your business. How are you currently sending invoices? Can you easily pull reports for either yourself or a client? Do you find your system aids in your financial reviews or is it a burden? 

Keeping track of your invoices, having automated invoices sent out without you having to manually do it, clients being able to add credit cards and view bills, etc. Even as a very small business, you can find affordable invoicing software, such as FreshBooks, which allows you to run reports, manage clients and keep track of expenses, among other things.

  1. Social media and Content planning 

If you are still manually posting your social media every day, you are wasting precious time. Of course, sometimes a spontaneous photo needs to be in the mix, but as for anything you can plan, do it. Are you getting the results you want out of your socials? Is it because of inconsistent posting? Is scheduling an area in which you could improve?

Buffer, Hootsuite – tons of scheduling software out there allows you to connect multiple platforms and set your socials up for an extended time period. Having a content calendar and planning out your content allows you to focus more on your daily operations and keeps you ahead of the game.

  1. Tracking system 

From expenses to payroll, to clients hours and calls, there are many areas you need to track in your business. Maybe your accountant is on top of this or maybe you are doing it alone. No matter the system, make sure it’s allowing you to stay on track and give you the information you need to make investment decisions. Do you feel like you could have better reporting to help in your decisions? What areas of your business need better tracking systems?

  1. Analytics 

Whether you use Google Analytics, your own tracking or another system, you need to be able to track results. Do you know the open rate of your newsletter? Do you know how many subscribers you have? Do you know if people are visiting your website? Are they taking action? 

Setting up analytics and setting aside time each month to review them helps in your growth process. 

  1. Storage 

Storage is a big one. As a business owner, you have files upon files and it’s often hard to know the best place to store them all. Use what works best for you and what is easy for you to access.

DropBox, Amazon S3, Google Drive and other cloud-based options are all good, if they are set up properly and are easy to navigate. You can also set up integrations to aid you in this process. For instance, at Done4U™, we use Otter.ai, which takes all of our Zoom meetings and instantly transcribes them, as well as audio records them. We can also share that with the other people on the call. 

  1. Lead generation 

It could be an opt-in on your website homepage, a free gift on your blog, your newsletter link, networking events, speaking gigs, referrals, social media, etc. Lead generation is everywhere. 

Are you utilizing the tools you have and also following up? Are the opt-ins you are offering valuable or do they need an update? Are all your links correct and are your automations set up for the best results? Is the networking you are doing getting you to your ideal client? Does your network know what you do so they can refer people your way? 

  1. Team communication 

This is last on the list, but certainly not last in your business. From emails and Slack to team meetings and retreats, it’s highly important to ensure systems and processes are set up within your team with respect to how you communicate. 

What are you currently using with your team and what are a few things you dislike and a few things you like? What are common concerns you hear from your team and how you can remedy them? How does your team like to work? 

All of your systems and processes should be documented through SOPs, which could be formatted in video, audio, copy or a combination of all three. If you are ready to do a complete systems audit and receive a set of action items to work through at the end, please click here. We are scheduling clients now for this in-demand service.