This time of year is one of my faves. I have an excuse to crank out the goodies in my kitchen, shop online for the best deals, drink homemade hot chocolate, and do business planning for the upcoming year and quarter.

Business planning gets me excited! I mean, as a virtual assistant it’s what I do, right? Plan … organize … systematize … implement.

Are You Excited About Your Plans?

Planning means picking out a new planner. I can spend an hour in Staples! Easy. The one I chose for this year is  the Action Day 2017 – World’s Best Action Planner. It’s designed in a way that I can relate to.

But business planning is way more than what planner you use.

Business planning is setting annual goals and objectives, prepping the budget, breaking it down, and tasking it all out is kind of like getting ready for a race. It’s the only sustainable way to move our businesses forward.

I mean, shooting from the hip only works for so long, if at all.

Streamline Everything

One of my accountability partners, Samira Jones, in the Facebook group I love the most, Jennifer Kem’sPaid to Be You Posse” (thanks Jen, you ROCK!), made mention the other day about using this time of year to clear out the clutter.

It’s nothing new, of course. But that thought went deep with me in that moment; you know, the “out with the old, in with the new” mentality.

I chewed on it a while to decide how I could use that idea to the benefit of my business right now.

For me, it means not only getting rid of the online stuff that is no longer serving me, as she suggested, but things in general that I just don’t use anymore, things that take up space, use up energy, or waste time just to have around in every part of my life.

Things like:

  • Tying up any loose ends from this year.
  • Making sure all my biz stuff is laid out (not just that of my clients)..
  • Tightening up systems and creating new ones.
  • And of course, getting rid of any physical clutter. Clutter takes up time. Time is limited.

Business Planning – Making Money Work For You

My favorite birth child out of all of this is how to streamline and improve my money systems.

Restructuring money so that I get the greatest yield out of what I have.

Here are a few:

  • Getting rid of apps and subscriptions I don’t use
  • Moving money around to increase cash flow
  • Putting all my budgets in place
  • Setting plans in motion to generate more income
  • Investing in business tools that will help me increase revenue or save time through automation

So refreshing!

Speaking of New

One very exciting thing that I’m so proud of that’s come out of all this end-of-year momentum is a new service.

It’s the 90-Day Planning Session, a 3-hour, 1-on-1 with me where we plan out your upcoming quarter in 5 major areas of your biz life + all the tools you need to make it happen. It’s ½ off for a limited time.

Getting those plans in place makes a huge difference in your business growth for the upcoming year.

And, planning may just not be your thing.

If you haven’t done your 1st quarter planning yet, if you want to plan for the next quarter.

Follow this link to schedule your session now. (Keep an eye out for your confirmation email.)

So exciting! I can’t wait to hear from you!

Are you ready for 2017!